In school, I played all sports but excelled at track - long distance running and hurdles. I also took ballet, tap, ballroom, etc. In high school, I lettered in tennis and did a lot of horseback riding. My kids did all the team sports and were active in Scouts from Cub Scouts, and both became Eagle Scouts. All three grandkids are also into either soccer or football. I tried to give my kids all the opportunities, so one son did ballet for a while as well as football and baseball; the other was into music - piano, organ, drums. Today, both kids, who are in their thirties, are much more sedentary, as am I. I did learn to ride a bike when I was in my forties (never had one as a kid so never learned how to ride) but have inner ear issues so my balance isn't the best and I'm not comfortable on a bike. I do enjoy rollerblading, if I can find a nice flat smooth surface. And I walk as much as I can. I do miss the dancing though. My partner has two left feet (his description, not mine) and doesn't like structured dancing - learning steps etc. And I don't have the time right now to go dancing by myself. I would love to get back into playing tennis, but my joints might not like it!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich