we have Baptists in Belfast and they as well as other fundimental christion groups hold the same attitude towards hypnotheripie and even plain old meditasion. i not too sure wear or what the conection is exactlie, or how one concludes that its the work of the devel or indeed makes one vulrible to the workings of the devel.

the best or nearest i got( in terms of explinasion) was that a deeplie relaxed medititve state would allow one to be influenced by external forces or energies. It would be assomed that it be the devel or some other type negative energie.

In all my experinces and findings, it is onlie MEDIAMS that are influenced while in a deeplie relaxed state. hences facilitating the communicasion between spirite bodies and earthlie canted bodies, which is the process by which mediams use for such spirite commonicasion. Onces again it is the mind and will of the medium that decides what they are gonna say while in the "comminicative readie state" in all respects the mediams have control and responcibilitie for what they say or do.

normalie joe's and josephines (lol) don't pick up commonicasion from spirite anyway no matter HOW DEEPLIE relaxed they are.

So in this respects the church is partalie right, one can be influenced to say somthing but not so far as to do something IF THEY ARE ALREADIE A MEDIUM OR HOLD MEDIUM TYPE GIFTS. Normale non mediums are unaware of any external type of energie around them anyway.

so church is partulie right in that respect. The baptists forbid any type of spirite communcasion (if i rember rightlie)BUT more importantlie they assome ALL SUCH comminicasion is negative in its nature, not true this is a biase and one desined to scare people away from meditasion and such types of healing or trying to keep people safe from such types of energies. You decide.

THE CAPS are not shouting i trying to emphasis a point , i promise, You all know the trouble i have with commonicasion and spelling and wouldn't i reallie am trying my hardest to put this across acuritlie to all, Baptists and non Baptist, belivers in this point and no-belivers of this spirite=devils communicasion point of view.

Maybee someone else from within such a belife system would like to give their view point on this matter.
GIMSTER thats the best and as fullie as i know how to explaine it and provide my experinces of such things.
Unless you are a medium and with such gifts/talents you wouldn't be affected.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn