Well, I believe that intuition and insight and inspiration can guide us to what is all right in our world. Inspiration means "the breath of God." I also believe that prayer and meditation can be a part of the guiding principle and process. And I also think that Gimster's #5 plays a part. I have habit of second guessing myself based on what has been ingrained which is not necessarily my own true initial feeling/thought. I've tried consciously to remove the second guessing habit, and I am doing much better. I try to bring myself back to the "raw" feeling or thought or action, before it was "cooked" to death by analyzing. I rarely come home from work or whatever to say to myself, "OMG I said such and such. How could I have said that? I should have said something else instead." I used to do that repeatedly only to drive myself crazy. I don't want to pick on my mother, yet she was a source of my learning to second guess. One Christmas she called to see if I had opened my Christmas presents. I said I opened one of the two. She said, "Oh, you should have opened the other one first." Whichever one I opened first, she would have said the other one. I was in my forties, and in that moment, I realized a genesis of the second guessing game I played with myself and others. I realized that I did not have to live by her insecurity, which led her to always second guess herself. I could make my own way, and be more assurred that what I am doing/saying is the right thing at the moment. If it's not, I have learned ways to "right" myself, mostly via prayer, meditation, and journal writing. The worst mind game I play with myself in regards to second guessing is my marriage. After 19 years, plus 4 before marriage, I am still second-guessing the relationship! I have a ways to go in this process of knowing when I am all right and my relationship is all right.

Edited by Princess Lenora (12/09/07 07:26 PM)