dancer, you are an amazing woman for someone who lives in pain. I once knew a woman who lived in pain and she had a hard time getting outside herself. You do a remarkable job!

Celtic, feeling anger isn't such a bad thing. It keeps us on track. What can be bad is what we choose to do with that anger. I have found that when my anger is addressed at someone, I need to really address why I'm angry before I react. I can usually get at the root of the anger and then recognize that there really isn't as much need to be angry. Does that make sense?

Anno, try hanging to get the tension out of your neck and shoulders. It works miracles and it's so simple to do.

My chiropractor wants to adjust my neck and I won't let him. He can do my back, but my neck doesn't hurt so why bother. He's trying to convince me that I should let him. Have you ever had your neck adjusted?
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.