As I posted in another forum, our DSL was out since Wednesday (just got fixed today.) So what did I do with all of that extra non-computer time?

Wednesday afternoon we shopped for more food. We didn't need a thing but it seemed like a good activity to kill time.
Thursday we went out to do laundry. The rest of the day we cooked. At night, Whozzis watched a movie and I read a book.
Friday/Saturday I spent a total of 5 hours ironing. Haven't ironed at all since June so there was a closetful to be done. Went to the gym Friday. Lots of little errands. Packed my car for tomorrow.

Other than the few shows we taped, I didn't watch extra TV because, frankly, there was nothing I wanted to see.

Oh yeah -- and El Hub spent way too many hours on the phone trying to figure out what was happening with the DSL. So I got to chop a lot of vegetables while he dealt with tech support. Truthfully, I think I got the better end of that deal.
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