Why is that? My mom was similar to that. She always thought I was mentally sick. Maybe I was. I do know that I was the last child and by the time I was a teenager, I think she was just plain tired of raising kids and wanted me to leave. So I did. I worked in a private psych hospital for 8 years at night (10pm-7am). What a trip that was! I finally had to leave for fear of losing my own mind. Fortunately, I was making a move 60 miles up the coast and I think it saved my sanity....well, somewhat. The only claim to mental illness that I had was a very serious post-partum depression after my only child was born. Within 6 months it became a post-partum psychosis and I was hospitalized. It was a terrible time to get back on my feet. Of course, we're talking 1975 and the antidepressants were not so good back then, so I just walked around zombie like for months which made it worse.
If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane ~ Jimmy Buffett