Wednesday morning, I had finished my walk and was in the basement throwing in laundry when I noticed the vacuum sitting out. So here goes. This is very typical of the way I do things. I put the vacuum away and notice the closet is messy so I begin straightening it. I'm thinking about the holidays and the kids coming home and wanting to get things in better order. Like they care. So next I begin looking at this stuff tucked by the back door that really should be in the attic or shed. Again, thinking I want to get this put away before the kids get home because they'll have their friends down here, etc. Like they care. So I'm lifting and looking and before you know it, I'm lifting and twisting something way too heavy and I feel my back shift and next thing - I'm calling the chiropractor.

I spent two hours there on Wednesday (which wasn't in the schedule), another hour there yesterday (again not in the schedule) and an hour there this morning (you guessed it - not in the schedule).

I think the Lord is trying to tell me to s l o w down.

Have you ever been to a chiropractor? I'd never been, but have family members who sing this guy's praises and now I know why. I couldn't stand up straight when I went in there and was in horrendous pain wondering if I was going to have to have surgery.

I'm not all better, but I am much more comfortable, standing straight, bending over and even able to bend backwards a little bit.

Isn't it wild to have your back manipulated? How the heck do they know how to do that? It's amazing. I just listen and block out what's going on, and let him do his thing. I can't believe how this works. I am totally amazed.

If you have back issues and haven't been to a chiropractor, I recommend checking it out.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.