Hello Ladies,
I wanted to share some exciting news with all of you and this seemed to be the perfect place to post it. I have been struggling with God's whispers for a few months, but with the support of the wonderful women in this forum I kept on praying and listening. In recent weeks up to and including today God has given me some answers. Two wonderful writing opportunities have fallen in my lap. The first is with Sisters in the Lord. They are creating a new bible study and have invited me to be a Bible study writer. Of course I didn't accept right away. Once I saw the theme list and saw Women of the Bible (a subject that I am passionate about) was on the list, I realized God was yelling at me. Then I accepted the offer and have been busily working on the outline for a Bible Study about Women of the Bible and what we can learn from them.

The second opportunity wasn't quite as loud. A few months ago I submitted some of my articles to a magazine then called "Virtuous Woman." I hadn't heard anything then last week or so I saw a thread in another forum that I'm in. They had changed their name to "Hope for Women Magazine." I emailed a query and recieved a reply from them today. Two of the three articles I submitted are going to be used in their publication. One will be in Jan. 2006 and the other will be used as their feature article in June 2006.

Neither of these opportunities pays in money, but the satisfaction that I will recieve in sharing God's word more than makes up for it.

Thanks everyone and I will send links when I know what they are so that you can read the bible studies and the articles.

God really does listen and answer in his own time all we need is a little patience.


angel (Chris Weigand) [Big Grin]