Hey Chick,

I must admit that I have been out looking at the stores at all the beautiful tiny baby clothes, furniture, strollers, and binkies. What a surprise for me.

The clothes are so cute and huggable. The furniture has gone so high for cost that I am sure my hubby and I will have to get the bed for the kids.

The binkies---who knew there were sizes now! My children only took a binkie for about 2 months. Guess they didn't like them when they realized nothing came out. But all the sizes-amazing.

My daughter-in-law is a twin. She's part of a pair, but her brother was miscarried in the womb early on in her mothers pregnancy. So glad it didn't affect my d-i-l. I think twins are passed down through the mothers genetics so the fact that I am a twin I guess does not matter. Twins would be nice for me!!! But I guess we will just hope for a healthy little one.

They find out the due date and if it's only one or two on the 11th of August. Can't wait. Then I'll start buying things.

Oh, oh, yes, there is this video monitor that goes in the babies room so the parents can see the little one. Not just hear but both. I am definitely getting that one. Have already told my son that is mine to get.

Thanks for the well wishes.
