One of the employees where I work finds a paid fitness club membership helpful. She likes the regime/structure and availability of machines. It's Curves.

A sister of mine and her hubby have paid memberships as alumni at a local university where there is good equipment and variety of people. Allows each person (they take turns since they have children) to make use of machines & indoor running track for winter.

Same sister also goes jogging by herself in non-snowy weather.

Both of above options allow person to come and go as they please during service hrs.

Whatever works. In my personal opinion Dotsie, if you loved cycling as a child, most likely you would do it often enough now..if you were fitted on a correctly sized bike with proper gears.

Cycling is for ex-runners who have had problems with their knees. I know you don't run but have problems with knee(s).
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)