I am continuing here because of the time thing...

I am wracked with guilt feelings when I say NO to my adult kids. When I don´t have the time or perhaps energy to take care of my grandkids when my daughter (single mother of 3 kids) asks for help..or money. I am sticking to my guns now..but the guilt feelings and uncertainty is quite difficult at times.

SOOO..how do you do it? How do you quiet the inner chatter?? I do yoga everyday.helps me alot, yes..but you women seem to do more..be "more" on the outside, as you say. I read about the spiritual meaning of yoga and buddhism..it helps very very much..I do affirmations..but what is that you got that I ain´t got? And how do I go about getting it???

If you have gotten this far..then thank you!!!!
"some sacred place.."