Sounds like my life, Orchid! It is surely their loss that you have to keep your distance because you clearly have a LOT to offer in the way of friendship! I understand that you, like myself, have reasons to protect yourself from jealously, which is what is really happening if your co-workers find you intimadating.
I think it IS fair that you want employees to do their very best! It is what they pay you for and why you have your position! If everyone did do their best, our world would run smoother for sure!
I can picture you in your workplace in these conditions and I'm sorry you have to deal with those who could learn from you but decide to, for lack of a better word, Hide from you!
It's wrong for you and separates you from, as I said, giving the gifts you have to give.
Then again, you do give them something to aspire too and that is very important for people to have.
As to my sisters, it will never happen. I was asked to attend a dinner this evening at my mothers where she lives with a caretaker. I am the sibling to "show off," and the only one that will do such as thing, (show up with little notice to represent my mother at a dinner.) I go with exhaustion because I know it means putting on that "perfect show," and not being myself.
Still I do this because my mother shows her love for me as best she can and she is ill so I feel that days with her are numbered.
( My mother is a princess. Lives on a trust fund, never worked a day in her life, and has things her way.)

Life can be hard, Orchid, but I don't have to tell you. I'm sure you "represent," for someone or something very often yourself.


"Question your privilege"