What a weird way to “punish“ or control. After all, your husband is missing out as well. Maybe he can’t…I mean physically. Maybe you should just ask him if that is the reason, … but in an understanding and loving way. He may just want to prove you’re wrong. If he still refuses, I would confront him with the truth and tell him that you'll get your kicks elsewhere. According to the way he reacts, I guess you'll know how you stand.

Sorry Emyjay to hear that you are having marriage problems. Men! I don’t know…, it’s hard with them and hard without them. Um…excuse me…maybe that was the wrong choice of words.

In any case what it all boils down to is that you shouldn’t be stuck with someone that makes you miserable. I gave my husband the alternative; either I leave him or he stops making me feel depressed. It has helped, … although I do have to keep reminding him.