“If we envision a world where women support each other and help each other find their place in an ever-changing world, then we can become the change we want to see. Jealousy, envy, criticism, and judgment are refuges for the insecure. As we help others to become self-assured, we create a world in which all people help each other, regardless of gender.

Only women can make the change in how women are seen and understood, not just by other women but by the world at large. The way we speak about each other to other women and to the men in our lives informs everyone to treat us with the respect that all women, and all people, deserve.”

I wish I wrote this, but I didn't; got it from Dailyom.

What touches me time and time again is how most of these posts come directly from our hearts; just alone this thread can really move me. At the same time we can be silly and bond in our common ways of thinking, just like we used to do at pajama parties. All this is what holds me here, and is the reason why this site has become a dear and valuable part of my life.

I’m glad we are all open to new sisters that can enrich our lives. We were all once newbies here at one time.