It's never too late to go back and teach ballet! I find there is always a demand for adult beginning ballet classes! Many women wanted to dance when they were younger and did not so want to start when they are older. If you wanted to teach, I'll bet you could find enough interested in a class!

I've always found teaching and doing choreography so very rewarding. I get emotionally involved with my students to the point of wanting them to master a skill as much as they do! It's such a joy to see their faces as they do something completely right regarding technique! They are so happy and full of confidence. As I've said before, the grace it gives them is unmistakeable!
If you'd like to go back to the barre, by all means, go!
(Dance, in a Harvard study, proved to be the hardest sport on the body, bar none.)
I love the barre and never give it up. There is something about it that makes me feel like me after all this time.

You are obviously a dancer if you crave the barre! It is so hard!

Let me know what you decide!

"Question your privilege"