I can be very friendly with men when I am comfortable with them. I worked in business a long time where I was one of the only women at the table, and learned to banter and get past the innuendos in a teasing way. When I raised teenage boys and their friends would come over, I was always friendly, but everyone knew where the line was.

My parents never touched and I'm pretty sure both of them were having affairs (of the heart, if nothing more) with other people. I grew up longing for touch, which was one of the things I had to understand before I could find the right man for me, not just the one who would give me the surface signs of love.

I seemed to have meandered off the topic. I agree with Kathy that we need more connection, not less. I think flirting is in the eye of the beholder and the two people involved.
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.