CORRUPTION is the RIGHT word, with all capital letters too...Nothing we do will change the facts, we as American citizens are screwed and thats the truth. No sense us fighting about it here, especially those NOT living here, in our country, NOT being effected by any of this. Its so easy to talk all righteous and pure about other peoples problems, but its pretty hard being Christian acting, when all of a sudden the police attend your neighboorhood watch meetings telling you to be extra careful, lock your doors at all times because the illegals have been caught riding around nice neighborhoods robbing, looking for women etc. I ive in a resort community where we use to be able to sit outside atall hours, the polls were open all night, peopl, myself included walked around the entire complex AT NIGHT but nt any longer. NO ones out walking, especially women alone, people are behind locked doors, thats just stinks!!Oh and just to clarify one fact, Mrs. Madness, you lived here how many year ago??? When there weren't these problems, when we didn't have to live behind locked doors, not like it is now. Thanks Dancer9, you too.

Edited by chatty lady (09/09/07 12:14 AM)