I have good insurance because it is from the government. My husband was full career military so I am insured by them. I have 15 dollar co-pays and 3 dollar co-pays on any medications. I can have any test ordered at any time and I've never been turned down. I have cost them a fortune too!
I can get as many visits to a psychologist, for example, so long as the doctor writes and tells them I need it. Also, no service is denied in time of war...

But I've been without insurance when I was younger and it's a nightmare! They throw you out no matter what your problem and the attitude is really, really insulting. You can be working a job and working many hours but if you don't have insurance provided for you, the doctors and hospitals look down upon you. Doctors don't want to treat you and the ER is the only place you can go! THIS, by the way, is what illegals here in Arizona go.
If you are lucky enough to qualify for help from the government, only the lower rated doctors see you. No good doctors take medical assistance for those who are unemployed or don't make enough money and when they treat, they, too, have an attitude that you are worthless. I've seen it in person!
I feel badly for those with insurance unlike mine too! They are so limited as to what procedures are covered! It's hard, it really is. I have a sister who is very sick and because her job does not provide insurance through some loop hole, I honestly will lose her soon to disease.

"Question your privilege"