
There are just too dam many illegals glutting all our systems. On a Friday night here in Nevada, you will stand in line for an hour or more waiting to cash a check etc. because all the illegals are cashing their ill gotten gain, checks and sending scads of money back to Mexico. I am so sick of seeing their faces sitting in every chair in every medical facility here in Vegas too. Does anyone else bedised me watch the TV show COPS? Well if you do you'll see that more than half the robberys and crimes agaiinst women are illegals, and it eems they like little kids too. Someone, somewhere, is doing their darndest to turn America into a third class country...and its happening right under our noses, right now as we sit here writing about it...Is a real problem everywhere I guess.

Chatty, I might sound cheeky but I guess if you or some other American citizen who stood in the hr. long line-up to cash the cheque, that only contributed to the already long wait.

How do you know that these "illegals" that you see physically..are all "illegals"?

Please be careful and think through what you've just said.

I have told this forum under a different topic, that I was a volunteer for a few years for national organization on race relations/human rights. YOu want know how this organization got started???

It started with a national tv documentary that claimed foreign (ie. non-white) students were taking the lion's share of the top pharmacy university program spots.

In fact, the camera panned over Asian faces...who were Canadians ...like my 1 sister who was part of that first year pharmacy studenty body during the tv documentary was televised.

She and many others were outraged. ...Suffice to say, it ...spawned a permanant organization..to educate the general public.

If people complain about illegals, then they better make sure they don't employ them to babysit, mow the lawn, pick veggies/fruit (jobs American-born and Canadian-born citizens don't care in majority), etc...at often lower wages than AMerican-born or Canadian-born would accept/tolerate.

And for the schools clogged with children of illegals or whatever..how would you distinguish these children from illegals vs. legals? Well, they could be Dotsie's children and you wouldn't know it....

YOu know, the "illegal" hysteria in CAnada isn't pitch hysteria here. I haven't really talked enough with social workers with enough international connections to understand the differences between Canada and U.S. in the "problems" that illegals are impacting on the system. There is a process of deportation, arrests, etc.

I suspect that there are alot of legal immigrants in the U.S. and their children now born in the U.S. that is confusing the "optics" and causing hysteria. After all, U.S. natural birth rate is dropping...

Yea, sure there are moochers of every colour that take advantage of the system.