Overlapping kids and elder care can nearly do you in. It makes self-care harder, but more important than ever. My youngest son had several health problems, so that made my choices even harder. Two young boys a deaf, elderly neighbor...then aunt and uncle, then in-laws and parents. All of the time my kids were growing up, there were elder emergencies. I had to do some quick thinking. One Chrismas, my youngest son said, "I hope we don't have any funerals this Christmas!" We'd had so many Chrismas deaths.

But you know - you make it through. Everyone grows. Did I always make the right choice? I'm sure I didn't. But I did the best I could. Bless you all for the care you give. Keep supporting each other and keep talking. It's the best therapy there is - talking to others who have been there and understand.

[ March 22, 2006, 06:41 PM: Message edited by: Carol Bradley Bursack ]