I am feeling better today. I wrote my thoughts down which helped. I also contacted the real estate board and found a tutor who is supposed to be really good. She will help with the math, or anything else I need. I'm also meeting with a group this week of people that are also taking the course to discuss real estate. There is an online discussion board and as they don't offer classes in my town a group is forming to help each other study. Things are looking up.

I am still going to go to the doctors as I would like to get off this medication and go back on St. John's Wort. Thanks for the info on B 12, that's a great suggestion and could be just what I need.

I feel that I am going through a mid life crisis of some sort. I want everything to stay the same, but also want to make some big changes, does that make sense? My kids are growing up and don't need me as much so my role is changing.

Then there is the boyfriend situation, more in Singlehood.