Eagle Heart ,
You always touch a place in my heart . I remember when the relatives took all my mother's things in the house her china and silverware and furiture and I so wanted mom's secretary disk she had promised me . and I did not get it .Well they told her I did not want anything .

Then I went and looked at some of her wine glasses that I had that mom had given me earlier before she started with Alz . I remember how we drink wine in them and some happy holidays we had with them and her favorite candy dish that I got and remember those evil greedy people did not get it all. I had some of mom and dads memories that they could not take from me . So, now I don't feel so bad inside I might not have her desk and one of the relatives have taken i from me for themselves , but they did not get it all. They could never take my mother from me. That wonderful candy dish that I have an all that candy corn that was in that wonderful cut glass and wonderful holiday candy that set in that dish at Christmas time.

Thank you for easing the lost of those things that I did not neet anymore. Those material things I loss were not so inportant anymore .

Courage is very important
Like a muscle, it is strengthened by use .