Actually, Gerri was looking on the bright side after a plumbing incident at her house, commenting on the fact that her unemployed husband is handy and can fix things around the house. My h may be a good cook, but handy around the house, he is not. My H's claim for unemployment was not challenged by his former boss and that will help us out financially. I don't necessarily look for prayers to change the circumstances we are in. Sometimes prayers help us to alter our attitudes toward those circumstances as we move through those circumstances. Your prayers/poems have helped enormously. I don't regret voicing my dismay over Renee's insertion. That was my feeling at the time. My regret is that I said my piece in public here about her plumbing post. It would have been better if I had commented on my conflicted feelings toward her post in a PM. Louisa, I don't see how Renee's post 130848 was positive feedback. It was a surprising intrusion to me. If I had the presence of mind at the time (as Songbird says re: stress blurring our senses) I would have PM Renee. I was about to respond to Renee's post 131443 with like-minded apologies but then I saw her 131475 which I sense is sarcastic. I am not going to engage in further toss and turn over Renee's hurt feelings in a public forum, because that is what this has come to. There are deeper issues that can't be addressed on a social network. As for families sticking together in good & bad times, that is not the case for the one choosing to leave at this time. We are indeed a surrogate family, but none can reconcile when one has extricated herself.