lynne dear sweet woman, i hope the hesitances for prayers wasen't about fearing you be ignored or rejected. I hold ya in high regard and i certine manie other woman do too.

your a tough wee cookie (in the sweetest of ways) your always kind and helpfull and considerate of others, in all you write and encouragment of others. I see you as a verie strong ladie,(most certinlie not a victum) saying that we all need comphort, love , sofness and sweetness, theirs no weekness or admitances of not being able to cope with the request, you onlie giving us lot a chances and an oppertunity to sat we love you and care about what your going thanks for that oppertunitie, prayers done as and before i typed this, and ya know they continue.

bigs huggs and cyers kisses on the cheek to you you hubbie and mom, and back to you again, double the huggs lol

please keep us infomrmed if ya have the time you inspire so manie with your attitude and how your coping with you circumstances. love ya loads.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn