I was invited to a bridal shower a couple of years ago at a male strip club. I did go to the wedding but declined the shower invitation. As it turned out, most of the girls who were invited passed on the strip club too. It was a sparsely attended event. The bride was from California and I guess she thought it was somehow a trendy idea? Yek.

About 5 years ago a coworker told me some of the girls would be getting together after work for a few drinks and invited me along. Ummmm, she failed to mention that it was an informal bridal shower. When I showed up there was a gyrating male stripper on stage. Lots of presents in special penis decorated gift bags and the ladies got raunchy pretty quickly. I left as soon as I could find an excuse.

Also another good friend of mine got married a few years back and she was telling me excitedly of the wedding plans. I asked her, as a gift to me, if she could please not smear cake onto the face of the groom at the joyous reception. She agreed that the cake slopping was a contemporary protocol they would bypass.

I'm by no means a prude, but bad taste is bad taste no matter what they do on MTV.