Thanks for the warning....LOL! Okay, okay, just yanking your chain there Ms C.

Carolyn is a dear friend and she loves to come and "lurk" around the forums. She may not get to post, but she reads and keeps up with us.

She told me she thinks we're all so cool AND so caring...ahem, ah...well, yes, we are...right girls? hahaha, cough..spurt...ahem..but let me tell you something about Carolyn that others may or may not tell you.

When I first starting writing publicly, everybody kept telling me about this book, The Frugal Book Promoter. You HAVE to get it. So I did. I was so captured by it, that I wrote to Carolyn, the author and said, "thank you for writing such a wonderful book!"

She wrote back and kept thanking ME...thanking ME for pete's sake. For writing, for kind words, and for validating that the book was all it was cracked up to be. I was amazed that she would take the time to THANK ME, the reader.

So I tested her "thankfulness." I wrote back and asked what I'm sure where a number of dumb questions. She answered ALL of them, one by one. Not once did she seem "put out." Not once did she say, "Do you homework. Research. Leave me alone. Are you blonde? Do you have a life?"

Nope...not once. When Carolyn says she really does care about other writers, she means it. She walks the talk. I haven't met many people who go completely out of their way to help others; but Carolyn does. Gladly. Joyce Faulkner is another one that does. And of course, our Dotsie!

And THAT is why I support her no matter WHAT Carolyn is doing. I told her recently that she has the biggest heart of anybody I know, next to Dotsie. That's the highest compliment I can offer; in my book (no pun intended).

So welcome back Ms C....we'll all be picking your brain! We need to get you back in here as Featured Author again! Wuhooo!