Hi Ladies,

I miss you all, and I want to share with you what has been happening to me. I swear, when one drama in my life finishes another one comes along.

I have been going through a difficult time and have been on an emotional rollercoaster. This was the worse one yet.

My daughter turned 18 in Apr, and pryer to that she made comments about leaving home when she did turn 18. I would talk to her and explain some things to her as to why she wasn't ready.

She didn't fair well at all in HS, because she had to repeat her freshman year twice. She finally became a sophmore but she didn't fair well there. At this point, I didn't think it would be good for her to graduate by the time she was in her early twenties. This was very difficult for me to cope with because education is very important to me. So we had to buy time until she turned 18 years old because the drop out age in VA is no earlier than 18. Unfortunately, before we moved to our new place she got caught in school with some pills in her purse. She had benadryl, some of my meds, some of my mother's, meds and some of my husband's med, and some other pills. Of course she got expelled and had to go before a committee. This was awful and shocking considering we had talked about taking drugs and how harmful it can be. To top it off, it was my birthday that day, and I had taken the day off work.

We took her to the ER because we didn't know what she had in her system. She got caught in the school because she was stumbling around and a teacher was worried she would fall down the steps and hurt herself. Later on in the ER she refused to talk to the psychiatrist and so they brought in a councelor from the city. Well, it turns out, she was hanging around some friends who bragged about all the things they had. Plus her struggle with her grades, and she struggled. With that, she felt she was expected to be perfect. So she was taking pills at night because she had a difficult time sleeping. Then in the morning she would take pills to pep her up because she had a hard time waking up. She told the lady that she was afraid of ecstacy, and cocaine and crack, some of the ones I covered in our discussion. She thought because the other pills were legal, it wouldn't be harmful. Ironically, before she left school that morning, she was fine. Anyway, we felt she needed to check in the psyche hospital for treatment. But guess what? Because she was over 14 and under 18, she had to volunteer to go. Which she didn't, so we had no choice but to get a court order to take her.

To Be Continued!