Wow, this is amazing. I amy have the perfect person to connect you with. It is a friend of mine who also lost a son in Iraq. I met her at Curves and we exercised with each other many times. We became friends and I listened to her stories about her son who was serving. Then sure enough, one day while I was sitting in the dentist chair with my nitrous oxide and headphones, I heard about a soldeir who had been killed and I recognized the name as her son. It was a horrendous way to learn.

Anyway, she originally intended to write a book and had the attention of a couple major publishing houses in NY. I can't recall what happened but she then ran for the House of Delegates in his memory/honor becasue she wanted to make a difference.

Lots more to share, but why don't you email me with your email addresses and phone numbers, and a brief synopsis of your book idea? I will pass it along to her. How does that sound? She is an incredible woman...

Have you read Women Write the War? You might want to see what that woman has done.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.