HL that sound butifull both what you have and your dream.

i was once luckie enough before my split up to live in a 100 yard by 60 yard garden with mature eucaliptise tress at the bottom left hand corner was a hugh chestnut tree, i had a little seat their for the occasional day drea, and cigareat break, the wonderes thing was behing our house was a golf course and they had a stream, which ran the back of our garden, so sitting their under the protective brances of that great tree listening to the trickling of the stream was magical some days and hazie summer evenings. i miss that lifestyle for that tree.....pitie i don;t miss the relashionship but hay thats life lol....

i been so busie with trying to get the inside of the house presentible i not had a chances to get my hands in some dirt, god love lucien he onlie so far planted window boxes with me but still got the pride out of watching "his" flowers grow. A love of plants is one thing i hope i can pass onto him.

the land heer is small its more like a yard but maybee some rased decking and lowered flowerbeds at the edgies for big shrubes and minie treass.
well at lest i can dream and read heer for some bits of inspirasion.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn