Oh, dear. How is your Mom now, Hannelore? Hope the scrapes heal well and for the arm not to be too bruised as a result. My experience is only as far as my relationship with my elderly friends go. And, they CAN be stubborn! And when they suffer or hurt themselves as a result of it, I usually use the "incident" as something to fall back on. Perhaps, you can use the fall in a similar way. Carpe diem, in that there is no better time, I guess, to discuss with your Mom how fraught you are with worry about her. Would your Mom be agreeable if you could find someone who, more or less, share same interests with her? Perhaps, a compromise as well as to occasions when she would need a companion? Someone who could be around for her in short spells? A little at a time until she gets used to the idea of someone shadowing her. Suggest a trial run of a few days. That way, it would not sound so permanent and your Mom would not feel too threatened by the loss of independence. Who knows? She might eventually get used to the idea.