Then there's the man who shot his wife and 3 children and shot himself in the leg to cover it lame, pardon the choice of words.

The 'cop' you mentioned above, left his 2 year old alone after the murder.

Chatty, women are getting as bad as men these days. I am saddened to read about how many are taking the lives of their horrendous ways.

There is no answer. These people are unstable and unpredictable usually. Murder has been going on since the beginning of time. Now,it is highly publicised and relished to make the news jucier, it seems. The internet is also making this kind of News accessible.

These days the perp is getting younger. I NEVER heard of a youngster killing anyone when I was growing up, NEVER.

God Bless Our Children.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~