I think there are more decent men out there then people think. Many of them are just shy and have a hard time approaching women.

Try looking in a different place. Look in places men tend to hang out.

Handymen- hang out at hardware store.
Golfers- golf courses, golf stores.
Fishermen- lakes, tackle stores.
Sports inthusiasts- sporting events.
Lawyers- courtrooms.
Doctors- hospitals.

What kind of man are you looking for? What kind of interests do you want them to share?

Conferences are a great place to find men. There are conferences for every interest you can think of. I'm married and everytime I attend a conference single men approach me and talk. Some of them seem very nice. Of course I let them know I'm married right away.

I know it seems like there are a lot of jerks out there, and there are, but I still think there are some great single guys out there as well.

You are wise for checking out their background before getting involved. You can't be too careful in this day and age. I'd check for criminal records too.

Good luck, I hope you find someone who you can trust and feel happy with.
