Try this on for size ladies...

The 'resurrection' is the lifting of the spiritual energy within to a higher vibration that supercedes pain and troubles. It is meeting the spirit within.

We all contain the seed of light that is God. What is God's returns to God...what is pain vanishes in the everpresent presence of the greatest light itself...(that's physics and spiritual law) ie science. ie Pain and light live on different vibratory levels...they can't meed, in physics that would be impossible.

Theology is the emotional and logical understanding of God, when one looks at the physics of God...the elements of light, its componenet and make-up, one can sift through the theology and bits of data that are peceived differently by many and come to understand that light itself has an absence of darkness and that within us lies the kernal of light that began our ever present journey of life.

Life itself is light...and the light is love with varying matrixes of energy ie grace, love, compassion, beauty, honour, integrity, truth, all varying aspects of the light or it could be said they are all different aspects of light at an energetic level.

Resurrection is basically the resurrection of the light within to a higher vibration...

Heaven is the 'resurrection' which is infinite.

The journey is the reconnection to the light within...'the resurrection'.

Thought you ladies might enjoy playing with it a truth or just a peception...only the heart knows for we are all living in different vibratory levels of energy which occur because of all the experiences we've had and how much pain colours our perceptions or opens our perceptions.

We are all on the journey toward light. Isn't it marvelous that there is no judgement within the light. Judgement only occurs because one perception differs from another.

Each layer of consciousness lives at a different vibratory level of light and therefore each level of perception houses a different vibratory speed and thus we have a world of varying opinions.

Scientifically speaking if we looked at the physics of light and saw God through that language wouldn't that be interesting! Theology has power because it can have no differing of opinions even thought it is an opinion of how one sees God.

Have fun with it ladies...don't take it too seriously for we are all love and light...the only difference is how we get there and the differing experiences we all have to learn and understand the truth of who we all

With love