Hi Ladies,
Just flew back in from N.Z. a couple of hours ago on return from a truely magnificent 2 week vacation in my ol' home country. I had forgotten just how beautiful the scenery is and everyone was so friendly. Chatty, you would love it there... everyone wants to chat everywhere you go!
We saw some great sites, met some wonderful people, and visited my old home town and saw the old house where I grew up. It was good to see someone is still looking after it after so many years.
One thing for sure... I wont leave it another 28 yrs before my next trip.
Feeling a bit jet lagged , so will sign off and catch up with you all soon.
Best Wishes,
The Secret Part II: http://takeaction.thesgrprogram.com
For U.S. Baby Boomers: www.babyboomerexpress.com