Hi Orchid and thanks for the advise. You are right, we must remember that it is a rite of passage for women and completely natural.

As to the gaining of weight, oh yes, it has to be watched very carefully after peri menopause sets in with or without HRT I am noticing. I do work out everyday still but even for me it requires that I am very careful with my diet. I feel that if I have to diet then I will just accept a weight gain because I live a healthy lifestyle!
It is the HRT I question because it helped me until my period stopped. When it stopped the hormones made me feel worse instead of better. When I had symptoms and was still having a period, the hormones were very helpful!

Now the hormones are great if you chop them up and put them in your shampoo for making hair soft and thick! ( No kidding, so do birth control pills!)

I'm sorry if you have symptoms that are hard. If stress is one of them I hope you are kind to yourself! I know I had to learn to be! You must be good to yourself and give time to yourself so you can continue to give to others, right?

Thank you again for your welcome and your post!


"Question your privilege"