Found out today that my DIL has been asked to try out for the U.S. Volley Ball Olympics!!!

We are all very excited for her, and hope her dream comes true. What this means, though, is that we will be taking our 1-year-old granddaughter starting next week till probably the end of September.

Considering what else is happening in our life, it is not an easy decision. On the other hand, our grandchild has always been good for our marriage. She bonds my husband and me in our shared responsibility.

My first response is yes, … we will take her; …but then again, I know that after 4 days of having her here, I am usually plum exhausted. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone experience with Aupair help?

Maybe this is just what my hubby and I need. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise, never mind the fact that we just love our little angel to pieces.

So, once again…life shows itself as a puzzle; fitting the pieces together in strange ways.