
My cousin's son is like that. The mother is a pediatrician and tries to deal with this problem.

I know the only thing that has suppressed his aggressions and temperament was when he played with little girls. He seemed transformed and was as mild as a lamb. But when with boys, he was a fighter. So the parents tried to get him together with little girls in his free time, and it has helped him play more subdued.

Maybe it's something that boys just have; and some more than others. Try to get him into sports as soon as possible…they can let off a lot of steam that way.

My sister found her 2nd child (a son) was particularily restless and would have meltdowns into tantrums, etc. So when he was young 4-9 yrs., she found it helpful to go for a walk to a nearby park with him after school. Only 1/2 hr. was needed. It seemed to calm him down and make things easier for rest of evening.

As he got older, his energy was surfacing and veering off..so she and hubby got him into competitive endurance swimming for about 4 years. He was doing 45 laps in 50 ft. pool for training every morning...so that really redirected his energy. He did compete happily at regional level...

He is a well-adjusted young man at university now. Yes, he's wiry, fit...not an obese child.

It wasn't really a boy thing, I think it's because his sister, the eldest...was just like what many eldest children are like..more independent, happy to entertain themselves/engage in solitary hobbies.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)