Celtic, congrats. for getting a bike. I don't know how you are fitted on the bike. But check the following:

* your handlebars are shoulder-width.
*your toes can touch ground, your knee must have a natural slight bend when that leg has foot on a pedal
*For front of your bike saddle /seat, you might want to consider pointing the nose a tiny bit downward, so that your crotch is relieved. I hope you can move your bike seat up and down to adjust height for your liking.
*don't cycle in jeans or cords. Those seams really dig in. Smooth spandex/lyra pants or shorts are best.
*Of course there are padded shorts/tights for cycling. Many men and women wear them.
*Cycle at least in running shoes. Not in flips flops...painful on your feet when you stand up on pedals or try going up hills.

How many speeds is your bike? 18, 21?
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)