Sorry, gals...I did in fact receive payment, via PayPal. Why? Because when the check didn't arrive wayyyyy past the deadline, I blew a gasket. Especially after she sent me a threat. I wrote her back and told her what I thought of her and said if you had ever had intentions of doing the right thing, you would have refunded me my money instantly JUST LIKE I PAID YOU, through PayPal. She wrote back some lame excuse about the money not being in Paypal, well duh....of course it isn't, they take it out of your B-A-N-K if it isn't there. She must have thought I was really dumb. At any rate, she DID pay me through PP THAT DAY. And the very next day, I received the check in the mail. I kid you not. Did I cash it? I should have for aggravation, but I did not. I DID however, save it. As a reminder that people can fool you.

It was never about the money, for Pete's was only 30 bucks, but it was about doing the right thing. I had to force a grown woman to honor her commitment to her buyer.

Anyone who wishes to know her identity, drop me an email (not a PM) at and I will gladly give you her name and her web site address. I am not putting it here because this is DOTSIE'S FORUM, not my own. And thanks gals, for supporting me!