Is there anyone who hasn't struggled with low self esteem? We could probably write a great book about it.

JJ, I think it is a great talent or gift to be able to deflect those jabs with quick wit and humor. Do you have any tips for the rest of us?

I know that I get so flustered when someone puts me down that I rarely say anything. I'm either shocked or hurt that something was said. If I react at all it is in anger which only fuels their belief that they are somehow superior or above me. Or I can't think of anything, stand there with a pasted-on-polite smile and think of 15 creative things after its too late--then of course I spend the rest of the evening stewing over it and being angry with myself for not saying anything.

I wish I could send good zingers back immediately, I definitely think its a gift. What can you teach us about this?
starting over

How we handle change determines our Destiny. P. Trapp