I hear what you're saying -- working for a home health agency I see elderly people put in nursing homes because they're alone or family needing our help to give them a "break" from taking care of their elderly family member. I don't ever want to put my son in the position of having to take a "break" from me. Yet, I won't think twice of taking my mom or dad in if it comes to that.

So you're right -- put it in the worry basket and don't dwell on it [Smile]

I just have to sort out in my mind where my priorities lie. I'm about to "lose" my only grandchild -- before she's even born. If her parents follow their own path -- which they certainly should -- I will have to choose between my parents and her. I can either have a long distance relationship with my parents -- or know my grandchild through Christmas cards. I feel that I will lose that "bond" if I'm not near her when she's very little -- I don't want to be "the grandma that lives in Florida".

Time is running short on this issue -- guess its time to sit down and make my "pro and con" list [Smile]

Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions -- if it wasn't for this forum -- I would be working this out alone. [Smile]