Update...the shower is over and it was nice but I was given the cold shoulder by my DIL's mom, despite the fact that I was giving her daughter a beautiful shower. The baby was born last Monday and I went with my husband to the hospital. I was given the cold shoulder by DIL's mom and my husband's daughter (not the one having the baby). His ex was there and talk about awkward. I felt surrounded by the enemy. If it hadn't been for my husband and wanting to support him I would have fled that place as if my pants were on fire. I emailed my son and told him about what happened and he said it best. Forget about them. I have bent over backwards to be nice to this family but have stood my ground when they attempted to take advantage of me and Larry. It's been when they've wanted to be rude and disrespectful that I've stood my ground and that's when they've turned their backs on us. It just shows me that they're not worth another moment of my fretting about people who don't matter. My husband and I have a wonderful life and if they want to be in our life then they're going to have to step up to the plate, not the other way around. It's taken me awhile to see it that way because I wanted to fit into their world...now I know their world isn't worth the price they want me to pay. I'll be 'nice' but that's it. No more shower, no more Bday parties, no more going out of my way to do anything for them. And you know what? I don't feel badly about that decision. I do feel relief.
How's that for getting a handle on things?
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards