HI Celtic...you're so sweet and thanks for the support. My SDIL is emotional anyway and when she's not able to get her way she cries and that's how she deals with it. Now that she's pregnant, it's worse. I can understand her being hormonal and certainly empathize with it...the rest of it is unreasonable on her part. Even my husband told me today he asked a couple of guys at work about the situation and they told him that in no way is he out of line for NOT wanting his ex to come to current and future family gatherings at our home. My SDIL is just going to have to come to terms with this. I understand what she was trying to do and I think her heart was in the right place...she just needs to wake up and see how divorced life truly is. And I hope she never finds out what all this is like on this side of divorce. Somehow I think she'd be singing another tune.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards