Newleaf, I am continuing to pray for you and your chilren and grandchilren.

I don't want to cover up your post so I am going to post my request here as well. I know you won't mind.

I need prayers for my daughter and gran-son. He is visiting his Dad in another province in Canada for Easter and was supposed to be back last week. We think he is trying to keep him and that is breach of the agreement, but he's making up lame excuses day after day as to why he is not bringing him back home.

My daughter is frantic and beside herself, I don't blame her. Please, if you read this post, lurker or member, take a minute to pray for my grand -son's safe return to his mother. We don't think he is any danger but, he needs to be home and in school, back where he belongs. My daughter is contacting the authorities as I type this.

Please take a moment to pray with me. I appreciate you all so much right now.
Andria (chick)
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~