Thank you, Casey and all. I'm concerned about Katie. Tomorrow she is off work and is going to a concert with at least one of her old friends who is an alcoholic drug user. I'm going to be praying for her to be strong or better yet, not to go at all as I have to hire and pay a babysitter in order for her to get to go at all.

The judge and the probation officer mean business. There are no more grace periods left for her. Why won't she grow up!!! Lately I've been more angry with her and frustrated with her than I can tell you.

Her children need her to be their mom, not me. I'm grandmom even though they feel like my own and I love them as my own.

The Dad makes me sick. I can't stand him for what he did and is now trying to act the martyr. His son is furious with him and hurt, so hurt.

My husband wants everyone out of his life but me and him. I informed him that as long as needed, I would be there for Dublin and Aaliyah. They need stability and comfort and care, attention and love and humor and fun, just like any other child and they deserve to have it!

I'm angry.
Aarikja Ann