Having watched my dad rule the roost because he had money and made no bones about it, I decided early on that I would be dependent on no man for anything. It made me really hard-hearted for a very long time.

I really wish it had been different in some ways -- that I could have stayed home, at least part time, with my kids and watched them grow. I missed so much of their childhood. And yet, we would have been in very dire straits if I'd not done what I did.

I think it's really good to have the discussion over and over with each other. What does money mean? Is it power? Who has it? Does the breadwinner appreciate the person staying at home? Or are they resentful? What happens in the case of divorce or death?

We tend to think that love will conquer all and forget that marriage is a contract as well as a commitment to love. Yet it's difficult to think broadly when you are starry-eyed or feeling needy.

Off the soap box! :-))
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.