I went thru my breast cancer pretty much alone, even tho' I'm married.
I had two lumpectomies, and then radiation.
When I told my husband I had breast cancer, he just stood and stared at me. I had to reach for him, and I hugged him.
I would work all day, go across the street from the hospital and have my radiation every day for 12 weeks.
No comments from my husband. None!!!
Please don't say he didn't know what to say, he just didn't care.
My oldest daughter was living in Vancouver at the time and was about to have my first Grandson.
Told the doc's they couldn't do anything to me until he was born.
I was told on my 50th BD that I had breast cancer, and he was due on my BD. He was born three days later.
That's what got me thru the breast cancer. My first Grandchild!
Then was told I was a breast cancer survivor, and the next day was told I had Melanoma.
Still no support from my husband. His comment was, "Just consider it as a new adventure."
I watched a co-worker go thru her husband dying from Melanoma on his back, exactly where they found mine.
Thank God both my dtrs. were living in town by then I had their support.
I handled it as not talking about it, just going on with what I always did before. Work, work, and work.
Now that I type all that out......I really don't know how I did it.
I am a survivor!!!! Like all the rest of us here!