Yuhooo....Mitzi, Welcome girlfriend! We're so glad you've found us and let me see if I can answer your questions.

Courier doesn't seem to be showing up here. If it is, it isn't ugly, so I think you're good to go.

As far as using html codes, where would you want to use them? They are allowed for your signature lines and for pictures.

What I noticed was that you had your "image" loaded into your signature line. I moved it to the avatar since it was, in reality, a picture URL, and as you can see, your picture shows up now. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the car!

If you have a Web page address that you're wanting to show up in your signature line, put "[url]" (minus the quotation marks) before the .com address, then "[/url]" at the end of it. That should work for you.

Pictures to show up under your name will have to be uploaded in your "profile" on YOUR homepage here. Pictures to go within the BODY of a reply can be added by either putting "[image]" before the picture URL address and of course, "[/image]" at the end of it.

If you type a reply using the reply box at the end of a post, (I think it's called quick reply), then once you have hit the "continue" button, you'll be taken to a screen that has a block area where you can type your response and hit "Ok, submit." Once you hit that button there will be TWO SCREENS. One at the TOP that shows what you have typed, and one at the bottom where you can make changes to what you typed.

This is where a lot of people type their post, then hit the wrong button and loose their post. Make sure you hit either "ok, submit" when you are ready to finally submit your post.

Does this help? Whoops, NO MEMBERSHIP FEES HERE!

If you should decide to join the NABBW, our sister site, there is a yearly fee for that membership, but this is F-R-E-E!

PSS--if you would like for me to remove the picture under your name, just say the word!