Ain't that the truth! It was horrible. I was going into anaphylactic shock and the doctor blamed it on recently painting his office and I must have an allergy to the paint. So I rush outside to get away from the paint, and sit on a bench, gasping for air my my entire face swelling and his nurse just watched me! I had to stagger to another doctor's office and tell the me please. I was a Code Blue. My face was deformed for two days.

This new procedure for the last 10 years is called Ambulatory Phlebectomy. They remove selected veins through tiny punctures in the skin. The vein is extracted using a hook. It's done under a local.

Now, get this. After I have it done, I HAVE TO exercise for no less than 40 minutes a day, twice a day or I could get blood clots. I can't go anywhere for a certain amount of time because if the puncture wound starts bleeding, no matter where I am, I have to elevate my legs.

Still, it's better than stripping the veins, which is terribly painful. So, no injections for me, thank goodness but I had a scan today to see if my valves were opening and closing correctly. Thank goodness, they were or I would have to have surgery before the other procedure.

I swear, my body is just falling apart, piece by piece.