Hi all,
First, let me sort through a bit of confusion. It is my daughter who will have a baby on November 18th by c-section (if not before ;)Daughter also has a three-yr-old. It is my daughter-in-law that is grappling with the possibility of MS. She has a five-yr-old and a two-yr-old.
The appointment yesterday turned out to be another exercise in frustration. The neurologist told my DIL that she DOES appear to have MS, but that things are still inconclusive at this point. Yes, she has some lesions. Yes, she has some oligoclonol(sp?)bands. But no, he will not diagnose her positively just yet. He has set up a meeting with a team of doctors this Thursday morning. They will apparently make a "final" diagnosis, but more important, if they concur that it is MS, they will be the team that will set up and administer her treatment plan. For THAT much, we are grateful.
We cried a lot yesterday, more out of sheer frustration than anything else, but I just spoke with her this morning and we are both much calmer.
My dear DIL is living proof that men DO go out and marry their mothers [Roll Eyes] She and I react to so much in the very same manner--which is sometimes good and sometimes not so good. For the moment, we're both willing to play the wait and see game, but I swear, if the appointment wasn't for tomorrow, I don't know who would go completely insane faster! (I just try not to show it right now, since my job in this is to support her, not drag her to the depths of despair.)
Anyway, I will report again tomorrow. I hope you all know just how grateful I am to have this forum as a place to vent, and as a source of comfort. Thank you all so very much.